The journey to become a professional trader is long, challenging, and filled with obstacles.
One of the major obstacles, surprisingly overlooked, is the psychological and mental balance of the Trader. Balance is acquired with time and experience; it’s a journey of individual growth that is best not undertaken alone.
You need reference points to use as a model and support in order to get the right balance. Specially in the early stages of a business, and also during the following consolidation period.
When I started, there were no clear models to look up in the world of Sports Trading, making it challenging to reach a decent standard of professional growth.
It wasn’t easy. You had to figure everything out on your own, both the professional path and inner growth. Inevitably, something was lost along the way.
Often in terms of psychological enrichment, leading to stress that hindered the achievement of results.
To this day, the situation has only slightly improved. The purpose of this blog is to bridge the gap I personally experienced. The absolute lack of reference models confined my project to the narrow scope of a young boy’s crazy dream. No chances to “defend” myself by seeing the results, and especially the paths, of others before me.
Unfortunately, in Italy, we are still in the dark ages. A social context where the majority of people still consider psychological support a taboo (although they trust their general practitioners).
However, in recent years, the possibilities of finding well acknowledge Life Coaches/Mental Coaches have exponentially increased, thanks to the rise of literature on the subject mainly from the United States.
Table of Contents
ToggleMy experience as Professional Trader
Personally, I started in 2018, when i was looking for a support related at my entrepreneurial activities in Public Speaking field.
On that occasion, thanks to an online search, I came across two highly knowledgeable women ( who then became a useful reference point to support my personal growth.
For example, for my activity as a Sport Trader, it was very important to establish routines aimed at increasing my level of concentration. As well as specific work focused on managing emotions and stress.
Since then, their support has been fundamental for me, and I regularly make use of it on a periodic basis. Throughout the year, we identify the most pressing issues and set out on a path aimed at finding inner balance, which is crucial for any type of work.
Even in this communicative project related to Sports Trading, their contribution is indirectly present (and I am grateful for it) thanks to the specific work carried out in the last year, it has given me the conviction and courage to go beyond potential external judgments and give voice to this project.
Opportunities for Traders today
Currently, thanks to the significant digital development of recent years, it is possible to find this type of support nationally and even globally if you have a good command of English. It’s worth noting that the USA is always at the forefront on these issues.
Not long ago, following the reading of an incredible book (The Buddha and the Badass by Vishen Lakhiani), I came across the Mindvalley platform ( of which Vishen Lakhiani is the Founder.
This platform represents an indispensable source of educational support in the realm of psychophysical well-being in any type of context.
Numerous solutions are available, and choosing one form of support over another is certainly linked to individual preferences.
The important thing, in my opinion, is not to feel like you are embarking this journey as one taken alone. It’s more complicated and challenging to go it alone.
It would be useful if one day even the world of Sports Trading could have its own Communities and Specialists.
This way, support could be offered to those crazy (but in love) individuals who want to venture into this type of activity at a professional level.