Anyone who has ever attended any American-based course has undoubtedly noticed that their work is always based on this system of beliefs. Unfortunately, often, it is incorrect and limiting.
I wrote this article some time ago. Finding myself back in American soil, precisely in New York, just as the second half of the trading season. I believe it’s the perfect moment to share these insights.
In the United States, these are often referred to as “beliefs”: deep-seated convictions formed by education, culture or religious background. I’ve personally tested in many areas, from entrepreneurship to nutrition.
For example, having limiting beliefs often sends us off course, restricting the scope of possible outcomes.
The encouraging news, discovered along the way by experimenting and learning new concepts, is that any limiting belief is simply incorrect information stored in our cognitive ‘hard drive.’ It can be entirely deleted and replaced with more accurate and, most importantly, enhanced data.
This is precisely what happened in the world of Sports Trading.
If, when I started 20 years ago, I had been able to change my deeply rooted, limiting beliefs, I would have certainly escalated my professional journey faster.
Table of Contents
TogglePassion or profession?
At the beginning of my journey, I didn’t believe I could turn my passion into a profession.
First of all, there were no points of comparison, no examples that made me realize, “he’s made it. So I can do it!”
Even today, it’s partly true because Sports Trading is still very unregulated, both legislatively and in terms of content. Finding valid examples to support your beliefs is still very difficult, and if it’s difficult now, 20 years ago, it was absolutely impossible.
For early adopters like myself, it required substantial effort and self-critical analysis in order to navigate through the prevailing skepticism and find the right path. However, the idea that success in any field is only possible if there are other success stories is a limiting belief that fortunately did not affect me.
Another strong limiting belief was the perceptual connection of this sector with the world of sports betting and inevitably with the related pathological deviations and connected moralistic and puritanical dictates, based on the ideological and religious matrix of distrust.
Today, my conditions have radically evolved. Thanks to the results I’ve achieved, my exposure to international landscapes, and a world that is finally changing even in terms of communication and public perception.
My core beliefs in the world of Sport Trading?
Over time, I have developed solid beliefs that have determined my success.
- First and foremost, Sports Trading is unequivocally a profession, comparable to other established career paths.
- The mindset required for a Sports Trader extends beyond mere entertainment. It involves substantial personal growth in areas like decision-making and capital management strategies.
- It’s a profession for a few but not just a handful.
- It’s a risky profession, but no less than any entrepreneurial activity (speaking from direct experience).
- It’s a beautiful profession because it allows me to travel the world.
- It’s a profession with significant room for personal growth and economic scalability.
- It’s a profession that helps improve various aspects not strictly of a technical nature (mental resilience, nutrition, decision-making processes, and financial management), predisposing to excellence in other professions as well.
- It’s a context that will explode in the next 10 years and perhaps finally enjoy the legitimacy and recognition it deserves.
Even deeper and particularly useful was the work on beliefs related to myself, for example, how I view myself and my ability to achieve the results and goals I have set. It’s no coincidence that “I always achieve my goals!”. It is a belief I wrote a long time ago in my perfectly reset hard drive.
If you are contemplating embarking on a new journey, my advice would be to start by identifying your limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones. Trust me, you will be grateful you did!
Just start with any Mindvalley course, and you’re good to go!
The effect will be marvelous!